Ancient Wessex News and Information
Ancient Wessex News and Information

Bronze Age wheel found at Must Farm

A 3,000-year-old complete Bronze Age wheel has been found at Must Farm in Cambridgeshire.

The 3ft-diameter (one metre) wooden wheel dates from about 1,100 to 800 BC.

Archaeologists described the find – made close one of the roundhouses found at the settlement – as “unprecedented.

Historic England, which is jointly funding the £1.1m excavation with landowner Forterra, described the find as “unprecedented in terms of size and completeness”.

“This remarkable but fragile wooden wheel is the earliest complete example ever found in Britain,” chief executive Duncan Wilson said.

“The existence of this wheel expands our understanding of Late Bronze Age technology, and the level of sophistication of the lives of people living on the edge of the Fens 3,000 years ago.”

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