A manuscript that was produced at Glastonbury Abbey around 800 years ago is on view for the summer. As part of a Bible, it may have been housed in the Glastonbury Abbey library, but in the centuries since the dissolution of the Abbey, it has been largely unseen, passing through various private collections.
In 2020, Bristol University purchased a single manuscript leaf from this Bible, made at Glastonbury Abbey in the early 13th century. The University was keen to lend it to the Abbey for a temporary display, allowing visitors to see one of the stunning works produced right here in Glastonbury. For a few months, this beautiful manuscript will be on display in the Abbey museum, alongside a new online resource that explores the rich history of the scriptorium and library that were once integral parts of Abbey life.
This is a project created in conjunction with Elysia Cains as part of her MA at The University of Bristol, Medieval Studies department.
You can view the display in the Glastonbury Abbey visitor centre from the 28th of July to the 2nd of October.
More information: https://www.glastonburyabbey.com/blogs/the-glastonbury-bible-project/an-introduction-to-the-project.php