A prehistoric complex has been recently discovered near the Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site.
Located at Larkhill, Wiltshire, just 1.5 miles (2.4 km) north of Stonehenge, the newly discovered 200m-diameter (656 foot) “causewayed” enclosure, is said to have been built around 3650BC (5,650 years ago) and is in an area covered by Larkhill Garrison buildings and other MOD installations.
Causewayed enclosures – are so named because their ditches are “crossed” by multiple causeways. Around 70 are known in England. Others exist on the continent, in Germany, Denmark and elsewhere.
The Larkhill enclosure excavation has unearthed broken pottery, worked flint, cattle bones, ceramic dishes,human remains and a large stone saddle quern used to turn grain into flour.
Archaeological work on both sites is being managed by WYG on behalf of Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), with fieldwork undertaken by Wessex Archaeology.
Dr Alistair Barclay of Wessex Archaeology said “this is an exciting new find and one that transforms our understanding of this important monumental landscape.”
More information: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/stonehenge-prehistoric-religious-ceremonial-centre-discovered-archaeologists-a7425346.html